This is the index page. You can find here a brief summary of each module. By Mike Hernández 🖤❤️🖤

Through this modules you'll see different applications of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This page is intended to show the different skills used and its implementation through a scalable real world projects.

Though really basic stuff, this is my very first project in my portfolio. Modifications will be made through time. You are currently viewing version 1.0.0

Overall charactetistics/skills used:

Geometric Figures

In this module you can calculate the area and the perimeter of a square, a triangle and a circle.

Main points:
  • HTML and CSS styling: forms, buttons and images
  • Responsive Design
  • Basic use of functions in Javascript
  • Modification of "p" element usng JavaScript

Percentages and Discounts

In this module you can use a PromoCode in order to get a discount. PromoCode is validated locally and can be used only once. User is told the final price.

Main points:
  • HTML and CSS styling: forms, buttons and images
  • Responsive design
  • Use of arrays and switch-case statement
  • Basic validation of user input data.


In this module you can enter a set of data, separated by a comma. You'll be given the average, median and mode of your dataset.

  • HTML and CSS styling: forms and buttons
  • Intermediate Javascript: use of "map" and "reduce" methods/functions
  • Use of sort function in JavaScript
  • Basic validation of user input data